To qualify for membership at FBCW, a person must be a believer in Jesus Christ who:
If you have questions on any of these, we'd love to help! Please contact us.
Express your desire to pursue membership to one of our elders.
Attend a class with our elders that will cover our church's history, our mission, our doctrinal statement, our constitution, and our membership covenant.
One of our elders will schedule a personal conversation with you so we can learn more of your testimony and background. Our elders will discuss your testimony and decide on a recommendation to the congregation.
Our elders will present you to the congregation in a members' meeting. We will vote as a congregation on your inclusion into membership.
Members are asked to affirm the covenant publicly as a safeguard against false professors who would depart and try to damage the body of Christ (Matthew 7:22; Acts 20:29).